Sunday, December 14, 2008


Being big, being responsible, was what my heart always desired,
Unknown though 'twas of the li'l pains that got the mature ones tired.
Today I stand on the same path,
No way ahead I find.
Though there're thistles truly painful,
Very few satisfying fruits, I find.

I'm desparate, but am helpless.
I'm tired, but I need to walk on.
What joke this is,
I'm too careless to pay heed.

King, maybe I am,
But a King with a thorned crown.
I maybe am the one desired,
But only to satisfy their faces full o'frowns.

Don't do they understand?
There's also a Soul in me.
There's a soul weary of the happenings.
There's a soul tired o'being wary of the next.

This is a burden I can't carry on all along.
I want to shout at the one who has put it all on an incomplete note.
The one, who no longer resides among us.
The one, who now is resting in peace.

I feel as if the world has itself sunk on an abrupt note.
So why should I be responsible?
Why should I be mature enough to hide my tears?
Tears are precious, I do know.
But precious is something lost to me.

The real path now lies in front o'me.
It may not be easy.
It may not be gentle.
But that's something I've to endure,
And Carry on through the rest storms o'life.

(Lost my 40-year-old Uncle. A tribute to him.)


Sushrut said...

Loved it. Good expression. :)

And I'm sorry,

soumitra said...

Nice,very nice one Soham.

I'm sorry,