Monday, May 31, 2010

Wisdom or Words?

I read a thing today in the Newspaper in the “Appointments” section. It said that the company needed several individuals for different posts in their technical field. This might have made no mention here, if it wouldn’t been for the last line. It stated “Only those fluent in English should apply”.

This fuelled me up.

I don’t know what, but I got sort of infuriated. Why only english-speakers? What about those who didn’t know English, but were the better ones in the technical field than those fluent in English? I know, this argument of mine will sort of feel a stupid thing or an overreaction. Even I gave another thought over it: What if the individuals that finally got the job had some serious use of English in their work? What if they needed to interact around in English? But then I re-read it, and it stated “Technical Field”. I didn’t get since when people in the Technical Field had a language restriction.

Maybe I’m wrong about this account, but the world, atleast India, is full of such examples.

A person fluent in English is always rated over the one not-so-fluent-in-it. Then though the latter one be more skilled, more trained and more experienced in that particular job. I know, being fluent in English only adds up to the Personality, the first Impression of an Individual. But these aren’t the real factors for the ultimate job, as per my opinion. Don’t factors such as being efficient, hard-working, experienced, skilled count?

Do not agree? Have this…

A person not knowing English, or being tremendously poor in English, is always laughed at. I’m not talking about those who try to show-off their English-speaking skills, only to fail later. I’m talking about the sincere, honest guys who try to learn the language, in order to overcome their shameful lacking.

But this is it. Not knowing English is considered to be a lacking, a shameful thing. “You’re of 17, and yet you don’t know English?” This question is really irritating. I accept that being poor in English is really a great drawback, but the way it is looked-upon, is totally wrong.

About 78% of the people in Europe don’t know English. They only know their Mother-tongue. And yet, would you say they haven’t progressed? Europe was the cradle of the Industrial Revolution. Europe brought in the various ways of Transport and Communication. Europe has produced many of the finest Artists, Architects, Doctors, Alchemists, Scientists, Poets, Rulers, Craftsmen and Navigators. How many of them were great English speakers? Remember, Europe doesn’t constitute of England and all the English such as Churcill, Victoria, Shakespeare, Newton, alone. The major part constitutes the Non-English provinces, and the people there are proud that they have command over their own language. They do not require the means of English to tread the paths of progress.

Even 85% of the Chinese don’t know English. But that doesn’t halt their progress, either. I do not need to supply with the examples of the Chinese progress, I guess. An example of half of the electronic devices and gadgets, plastic materials, crockery items in our households being “Made in China”, is enough to prove their dominance.

But there’s even another side to China’s story. Thousands of Interpreters fluent in English and well-acquainted with Mandarin (Chinese) are recruited by China to help it reduce that 85%. The interpreters are even paid tremendous salaries (I even considered of being one :P) for translating just some pages of Mandarin into English, or helping people know English better. The condition of China in English is so poor, that while the Olympics were hosted there back in 2008, the Chinese Govt had hoisted huge posters showing a Human face labelled with its organs in English, on the streets. They didn’t even know what a Nose meant back then.

But the Chinese people who know English well enough don’t laugh over the ones who don’t know it. They’re learning and gaining in the language at a rapid speed, without taking Mandarin off the top spot.

I know, this thing of mine will sound as if I’ve gained some statiscal data from somewhere and cooked it all up over here, but it isn’t so. Many of the facts in this article were already known, just that they all found a stream and suited here, in the right place.

I even know, that by writing this in English, it may seem that I’m contradicting myself.

But it ain’t so.

All I mean to say is, Not-knowing-English doesn’t equal to Not-knowing-Anything. One may have a great knowledge and a great command over any Non-English language, and might as just be equal to, or even better than the one knowing English. I love English. But that doesn’t mean I don’t respect Marathi: My Mother-tongue or Hindi or any other language or the ones knowing only those.

A language is a language, and no one of it is better or worse than the other.

What is being conveyed, taught, acknowledged or simply thrown light upon is that which is important and is that which is supreme. The mode of communication never is so important, unless you understand what the other intends to convey.

I hope you all get me, and do not laugh upon the ones who put up sincere efforts.

Words are never greater than Wisdom.


Akshay Mallya said...

Reading all this ,I remembered one thing what my uncle told me once when he was on a tour to Europe.My uncle was in Paris.There he went to a fast food corner where he asked for wafers(in English).The frenchman there replied saying that he only sells French fries and not wafers(same thing).
Really I have agreed that not knowing English is not a drawback.But knowing yourown mother tongue will give you more pride

sohamkanade said...

Yeah, :)