Sunday, August 03, 2008


I am not living my life for someone else,

I neither am allowing it to:

and that's what's making the difference,

I'm expected not to live the life my own way....

I'm quite sentimental this way,

Breaking free of all the bonds.

I feel as if I'm suffocating in my own life-paths,

I feel there's some need for me to break-free today,

some need to have a breath of liberty today....

There's a randomization of thoughts all around:

My Mind's buzzed with confusion.

The so-far praised "Carefree-Me" has got lost somewhere,

For I think that I''m a mere puppet,

Governed by the expectant judgements of "people"

But my optimism helps myself bring back to me...

The positive side of life is still awake:

The path is laid, I just need to walk the distance,

My life is no one else's but mine,

And I have a rule o'er my own world.

(Thanks Sushrut for the last line)

1 comment:

Sushrut said...

man Soham.. I loved it! Its simply great that you're so able to analyse your thoughts at 15! Keep writing and be sure that I'll be a regular reader of your blog.. good work mate! :)

and thank you, honestly. ;)