Where do I belong?
In this world of lost humanity,
Where is my abode?
In this world of numbed feelings,
What is my Identity?
I pen down random emotions now,
My tears being the smooth flow of ink.
But the paper being so hollow,
Even the tears start blotting on it.
In this world of hollowness,
What does my presence justify?
Standing amidst a bunch o'people,
Yet completely lonely, I am.
Buzzed 'round by the people,
Yet the quietest amongst 'em, I am.
Hunting for the meaning of lonliness,
Yet completely alone, I am.
In this world of lost definitions,
Where am I?
Already ridden of the past,
Yet sneaking 'nother way through it, I am.
Watching the clock tick endlessly everyday,
Yet careless to think 'bout the future, I am.
Living in the present,
Yet travelling through the time, I am.
In this world of lost time,
What period am I in?
Walking along a path,
Yet no traveller, I am.
Composing some lines in order,
Yet no poet, I am.
Masking myself as somebody,
Yet the true nobody in myself, I am.
In this world of wronged roles,
Who am I?
Proclaiming myself as 'I',
Yet unaware of my identity, I am.
Inking down a thought,
Yet immediately contradicting it, I am.
In this world of mismatched-ness,
Where do I come from?
Help me now, Tell me,
Where do I belong?
In your mind, as this composition?
Or still on the paper, just as some random emotions?