Another of those long wintry moony nights,
And I walking by the streets alone,
A breeze playing on my forehead, light.
But not even a sound of phone.
The breeze takes a turn for a gale,
And I shiver by the cold.
Only to miss her company: hearty and hale,
And the warm wrapping-up-of-me into her arm-folds...
I walk further, unknowingly,
And lo! She happens to be there as an Angel, lovingly...
Emotions start an immediate exchange through our eyes,
Demands, Arguments and even tokens of gratitude.
The exchange slowly away dies,
Her mingling of hands with mine, being the sudden change in mood.
We walk some distance further, hand-in-hand,
With my senses enchanted by her fragrance…
She continues the soft-touching by her hands,
A warmer one against the chill, being her presence.
She seemingly emits a warm radiance,
I think of her as an other-worldly-being.
But then laugh for her similar striking resemblance,
With a Mother, just so caring.
Warm, she is…
Cold, I am…
Her radiance helps me get warmer…
And the soft touch of her lips on mine,
Is the happening of the versus-cold, armor.